  • Behind the scenes we are working hard to improve our services. Currently we are not able to sell single bouquets to our customers, but we do regularly host pop-ups where we sell our bunches. These will always be announced on our Instagram.

  • When you receive your bunch and the stems have been out of water for more than 5 minutes, make sure to give them a trim. Cut about 2 cm off the end, cutting at a 45 degree angle with a sharp, clean knife. Make sure to use a squeaky clean vase and use fresh, cold water for mixed bouquets. Keep them out of direct sunlight and draft. After 3 days, refill your vase with clean water. We guarantee a vase life of at least 5 days, but if you take care of your flowers properly they can easily last longer than that.

  • We always make sure to buy high-quality, fresh flowers. However, flowers are a perishable, natural product and there’s always a possibility that for whatever reason they don’t keep as they should. If your bouquet perishes within 3 days after receiving them, make sure to send us a photo within 24 hours and we will either give you a refund or provide a new bouquet.

  • We recognise that the flower industry still has a long way to go in terms of sustainability. At MIDI we aim to make our practise as conscious as possible. Here are the steps we have taken so far:

    • We use seasonal flowers only, preferably from Dutch soil.

    • We use FSC certified paper to wrap our bouquets without any additional foil or plastic.

    • We stay away from floral foam, opting for planet-friendly alternatives instead.

    • We do all our banking through Triodos, one of the most sustainable banks in the world.

  • All payments on our webshop are made through PayPal or Stripe.

  • €10 - Standard delivery during the day in Amsterdam
    €20 - Requested time slot in the morning/evening in Amsterdam

    Please each out for delivery options + rates outside Amsterdam at